Savannah sites of the south-west:
Mburo & QENP

The savannahs of Uganda are not nearly so rich in game as those in Kenya and Tanzania - the civil wars of the past 30-40 years have taken their toll, and populations of large mammals are only now recovering.


Nevertheless, there is plenty to see, from abundant Uganda Kob and Cape Buffalo, to Topi, Impala, Warthogs, Elephant, and even some Giraffe and Zebra. Hippo are quite common in the rivers.


Predators are present, albeit at low density, and we were very fortunate to find not one but three of the famous tree-climbing lions in the Queen Elizabeth National Park.


Bird life is typical of open East African bush, with lots of queleas, finches, drongoes and so on, plus plenty of raptors and colourful passerines and near-passerines.


Wildlife viewing is mostly done from the vehicle in these habitats, but occasional forays into the bush (watching out for errant Buffalo or Lions....) are occasionally necessary to see buttonquails or larks!


Full blow-by-blow
trip report

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Abyssinian Ground Hornbill - the
dinosaur of the bird world
Yellow-throated Longclaw
Brown-chested Lapwing - a
scarce bird in East Africa
Cape Buffalo
Warthog service station - Banded Mongoose doing the honours
Uganda Kob
Lioness up a tree
More arboreal felinity
Long-crested Eagle - an "Alvin"
Palm-nut Vulture
Woodland Kingfisher
Red-necked Spurfowl
Bateleur - typical "tailless" look
Black-headed Gonolek

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