Mexico: the Yucatan and north-east Chiapas
[Great Tinamou] |
Heard only at Calakmul |
Little Tinamou |
One seen on the track and others heard at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Thicket Tinamou |
One disturbed underfoot at Chichen Itza, and another briefly on the road out of Calakmul |
Least Grebe |
Two by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway, one on Cozumel, and 2 at Coba |
Pied-billed Grebe |
Three by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway, one near Chetumal and up to 20 at Coba |
American White Pelican |
Many dozens at Celestun, and about 50 at Champoton |
Brown Pelican |
Hundreds at Celestun, and small numbers around Cozumel and Cancun |
Double-crested Cormorant |
100+ at Celestun, 20 at Tulum, and a few at Cozumel and Cancun |
Neotropic Cormorant |
Three at Celestun and another at Palenque |
American Anhinga |
One at the lake at Coba |
Magnificent Frigatebird |
Scores at Celestun, and lower numbers (interestingly mostly males) at Tulum, Cozumel and Cancun |
Great Blue Heron |
Small numbers at the wetland sites throughout |
Great White Egret |
The commonest heron, with hundreds at Celestun and the Chiapas swamps, and many more elsewhere |
Reddish Egret |
Four sightings on the Gulf Coast from Celestun southwards |
Tricolored Heron |
20+ at Celestun, 2 in the Chiapas swamps and one on Cozumel |
Little Blue Heron |
One by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway, then present in small numbers at Celestun and other wetland sites |
Snowy Egret |
Common at Celestun, and then others dotted about throughout |
Cattle Egret |
Common wherever livestock were present |
Green Heron |
Four at Celestun, one near Champoton, and then 2+ at Coba |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
Seven roosting in trees by the big road bridge in the Chiapas swamps |
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron |
Five at Celestun |
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron |
One flushed and another posing magnificently at the roadside in the Chiapas swamps |
Wood Stork |
Present in small numbers at Celestun and the Chiapas swamps |
White Ibis |
About 20 noted at Celestun - most were far from white, the best views being at the town rubbish dump! |
Glossy Ibis |
About 100 seen from the car in the Chiapas swamps |
Roseate Spoonbill |
About 10 at Celestun |
Caribbean Flamingo |
150+ seen at Celestun |
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck |
50+ in the Chiapas swamps |
Blue-winged Teal |
10 by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway, about 15 at Celestun, and 5 in the Chiapas swamps |
Black Vulture |
Common throughout |
Turkey Vulture |
Common throughout |
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture |
Probably some overlooked as Turkey Vultures, but certainly 11 noted, mostly at Celestun |
Osprey |
Twelve sightings at various wetland sites |
Hook-billed Kite |
One attending the bat roost at a cenote near Calakmul |
White-tailed Kite |
Two noted in the northern Yucatan while travelling |
Snail Kite |
A juvenile showed very well at the swamp by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway |
Common Black-Hawk |
Three at Celestun |
Roadside Hawk |
20+ noted at a variety of sites |
White-tailed Hawk |
One near Chichen Itza, 2 over the Chiapas swamps, and 3 near Chetumal |
Crested Caracara |
Six noted in the southern Yucatan |
Laughing Falcon |
Two at Palenque, one showing superbly near Calakmul, and another heard at Calakmul itself |
American Kestrel |
One male on Cozumel |
Merlin |
One hunting at Celestun |
Bat Falcon |
Four perched on the ruins at Palenque, and another at Coba |
Plain Chachalaca |
Noted commonly at various wooded sites, max. 30+ at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Great Curassow |
At the very dying of the light, a superb juvenile flushed from the road out of Calakmul and afforded good views in the treetops overhead |
Ocellated Turkey |
60+ recorded at and near Calakmul, including some huge and absolutely magnificent males. Another was at Felipe Carrillo Puerto and finally two more (suspiciously tame birds) were at Coba ruins |
Black-throated (=Yucatan) Bobwhite |
Two coveys totalling about 30 birds were seen on the road north of Celestun |
Limpkin |
Four by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway, two in the Chiapas swamps, and then at least 10 showing fantastically well at Coba lake |
Rufous-necked Wood-Rail |
Five at Celestun in the mangrove swamps |
Grey-necked Wood-Rail |
One a Celestun and then one bizarrely running along the track with wings extended at Sayil ruins |
Spotted Rail |
A real highlight was a very showy adult with two downy young at Coba lake |
Common Moorhen |
Maintaining our record of having seen this species on every single foreign trip we have ever done, Five by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway and a further two on Cozumel |
American Coot |
50 by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway, 50 on Cozumel, and a further three singles elsewhere |
Northern Jacana |
Ten noted on six dates, max 4 on Cozumel |
Black-necked Stilt |
100+ at Celestun, 50+on Cozumel, and a further 11 noted elsewhere |
Grey Plover |
10 at Celestun |
Semipalmated Plover |
Two at Celestun |
Killdeer |
One at dawn at Coba lake |
Greater Yellowlegs |
Five at Celestun |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Two at Celestun |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Eight noted on four dates |
Willet |
20 at Celestun |
Ruddy Turnstone |
Present in small numbers at all coastal sites |
Sanderling |
20 at Celestun and 30 at Tulum |
Western Sandpiper |
10 at Celestun |
Least Sandpiper |
Four at Celestun |
Ring-billed Gull |
Two (an adult and a second-winter) at Celestun |
American Herring Gull |
One 1st winter at Celestun |
Laughing Gull |
Numerous at coastal sites (700+ at Celestun) and a very few inland |
Caspian Tern |
70+ at Celestun and one at Playa del Carmen |
Sandwich Tern |
500+ at Celestun and about 10 at Cancun |
Royal Tern |
100+ at Celestun, 20 at Tulum, 20 on Cozumel and 5 at Cancun |
Common Tern |
One (an apparent 1st winter) fishing in Cozumel harbour |
Forster's Tern |
Ten at Celestun |
Black Skimmer |
Eight at Celestun |
Rock (=Feral) Pigeon |
Frequently encountered |
Pale-vented Pigeon |
A very few at Calakmul |
Red-billed Pigeon |
Five by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway |
Eurasian Collared-Dove |
One at Playa del Carmen - a recently established species |
White-winged Dove |
About forty noted at scattered sites |
Common Ground-Dove |
Noted in variable numbers on most days |
Ruddy Ground-Dove |
Just a few seen, mostly at Celestun, Palenque and on Cozumel |
White-tipped Dove |
Singles at Chichen Itza and Uxmal, and 5 at Palenque |
Grey-chested Dove |
At least one at Palenque, and two more probables at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Aztec Parakeet |
52 noted on nine days |
White-crowned Parrot |
2+ at Palenque |
White-fronted Parrot |
2+ at Sayil - numerous other parrots were seen in flight, but none could be positively identified |
Squirrel Cuckoo |
Nine noted on seven dates |
Groove-billed Ani |
Frequent in coastal areas, and in the Chiapas swamps |
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl |
One heard calling at Felipe Carrillo Puerto in response to a whistled imitation |
[Northern Potoo] |
One heard only at dusk just outside Coba |
Lesser Nighthawk |
Two over the hotel at dusk at Palenque |
White-collared Swift |
About 100 cruised high over Palenque, on one morning only |
Vaux's Swift |
Some 200 or so noted, mostly in the east of the peninsula |
Western Long-tailed Hermit |
One at Palenque ruins |
Wedge-tailed Sabrewing |
Six noted, at Calakmul and Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Cozumel Emerald |
One male seen briefly on (not surprisingly) Cozumel |
Canivet's Emerald |
Single males at Celestun and Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird |
Three singles at Palenque |
Buff-bellied Hummingbird |
Three at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Cinnamon Hummingbird |
Five at Chichen Itza and a further 5 at Celestun |
Long-billed Starthroat |
1+ at Palenque |
Mexican Sheartail |
Three north of Celestun |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Three at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Black-headed Trogon |
Three at Palenque and 5 at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Violaceous Trogon |
Two at Palenque and a further 2 at Calakmul |
Belted Kingfisher |
A total of 26+ seen on seven dates, at various wetland sites |
Green Kingfisher |
One seen twice at the hotel at Palenque |
American Pygmy Kingfisher |
One in mangroves at Celestun |
Blue-crowned Motmot |
Six noted, at Chichen Itza, Celestun and Palenque |
Turquoise-browed Motmot |
One at Sayil, another at the roadside south of there, and finally one briefly at Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Disappointingly few sightings! |
Collared Aracari |
Two at Palenque, 3 at Calakmul and one at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Keel-billed Toucan |
Two at Palenque, about 20 at Calakmul, and 2 more at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Black-cheeked Woodpecker |
Two high in trees over the road at Palenque |
Yucatan Woodpecker |
At least two near Celestun, one near Calakmul, and another at Tulum ruins |
Golden-fronted Woodpecker |
The Bananaquit/White-browed Buffalo-weaver of the trip, regularly misIDed as other species. Seen on every day apart from one, and at every site apart from Cozumel |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
Two by the ruins at Uxmal |
Ladder-backed Woodpecker |
One near the town of Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Smoky-brown Woodpecker |
One at Calakmul |
Golden-olive Woodpecker |
One at Calakmul |
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker |
Two at Palenque and another at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Lineated Woodpecker |
Three at Calakmul |
Pale-billed Woodpecker |
Heard twice at Palenque, and then finally pinned down and seen well at Palenque (2) and Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Plain Xenops |
One at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper |
One at Palenque |
Ruddy Woodcreeper |
One at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Olivaceous Woodcreeper |
Two at Palenque and another 2 at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper |
Two at Palenque |
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper |
Singles at Celestun, Calakmul and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, and 3 at Palenque |
Barred Antshrike |
Heard only, at Palenque |
Mexican Antthrush |
One heard calling and seen briefly at Palenque, along the waterfall trail |
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet |
Heard at Celestun, and two seen at Felipe Carrillo Puerto - others heard and IDed retrospectively |
Greenish Elaenia |
One at Chichen Itza ruins |
Sepia-capped Flycatcher |
One at Calakmul |
Northern Bentbill |
One at Coba ruins |
Common Tody-Flycatcher |
Three in dry scrub east of Celestun |
Eye-ringed Flatbill |
One at Calakmul |
Yellow-olive Flycatcher |
One at Chichen Itza and a further 2 at Palenque |
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher |
One at Palenque |
Tropical Pewee |
Singles at Chichen Itza, Calakmul and Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Least Flycatcher |
About 24 noted, but some possibility of other Empidonax spp. being overlooked on brief views |
Vermilion Flycatcher |
Seven noted around Celestun and Uxmal |
Bright-rumped Attila |
One at the hotel at Xpuhil, near Calakmul |
Yucatan Flycatcher |
One finally pinned down at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher |
Three singles noted - others possibly overlooked |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Three at Calakmul |
Brown-crested Flycatcher |
Four noted at Chichen Itza and Celestun |
Great Kiskadee |
Widespread and quite common |
Boat-billed Flycatcher |
Three at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Social Flycatcher |
Common and widespread (and noisy) |
Tropical Kingbird |
Abundant |
Couch's Kingbird |
Two at Chichen Itza and another 2 at Calakmul - others possibly overlooked |
Rose-throated Becard |
Three at Chichen Itza and a male near Celestun |
Masked Tityra |
Noted at Chichen Itza, Celestun, Palenque and Calakmul - 16 seen |
Mangrove Swallow |
200+ at Celestun, 5 in the Chiapas swamps, 50 near Chetumal, and a few at Coba |
Ridgeway's Rough-winged Swallow |
Two at Chichen Itza and 3 at Celestun, and a Roughwing sp. at Tulum |
Barn Swallow |
Four by the Cancun-Chichen Itza highway, one in the Chiapas swamps and 1 on Cozumel |
American/Buff-bellied Pipit |
A single vagrant noted on the beach at Celestun |
Yucatan Wren |
Six at Celestun |
Spot-breasted Wren |
About 10 see and others heard at the southern forest sites |
White-browed Wren |
Five at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
White-bellied Wren |
3+ at Calakmul |
White-breasted Wood-Wren |
Eight at Palenque |
Southern House Wren |
One at Chichen Itza |
Grey Catbird |
Twelve noted on seven dates |
Black Catbird |
One at Santa Elena, near Uxmal, then 10+ on Cozumel and another at Coba |
Tropical Mockingbird |
Common throughout |
Swainson's Thrush |
One in the forest at Palenque |
Wood Thrush |
Thirteen seen on five dates, at Palenque and Calakmul |
Clay-colored Robin |
Quite common in forests and clearings in the south |
White-throated Thrush |
One seen in very gloomy forest at Palenque, on the waterfall trail |
Long-billed Gnatwren |
One seen and another heard at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher |
Seventeen seen on the mainland, and two of the endemic form on Cozumel |
White-lored Gnatcatcher |
Four seen near Celestun |
Tropical Gnatcatcher |
About 7 at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Green Jay |
Noted in small numbers at a variety of mostly northern sites |
Brown Jay |
Frequently noted from Palenque onwards - noisy and conspicuous |
Yucatan Jay |
Noted near Cancun, ad at Celestun, Uxmal, Calakmul and Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
White-eyed Vireo |
One of the commoner migrants - noted everywhere apart from Cozumel |
Mangrove Vireo |
Four at Celestun |
Cozumel Vireo |
Three of this highly distinctive endemic on Cozumel |
Yellow-throated Vireo |
Ten noted on eight dates |
Philadelphia Vireo |
One at Chichen Itza and another 2 at Calakmul |
Yucatan Vireo |
One on Cozumel |
Lesser Greenlet |
Two at Calakmul and another 2 at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Rufous-browed Peppershrike |
Six seen and two others heard at various sites |
Lesser Goldfinch |
Two noted near Celestun |
Blue-winged Warbler |
One high in the canopy at Calakmul |
Tennessee Warbler |
One at Ek Balam ruins |
Northern Parula |
Thirteen seen on four dates |
Yellow Warbler |
Quite common in the north and east of the peninsula. Three of the endemic form seen on Cozumel |
Mangrove Warbler |
Two examples of this highly distinctive split in mangroves near Celestun |
Chestnut-sided Warbler |
One fem/1st winter at Palenque ruins |
Magnolia Warbler |
The commonest Nearctic migrant passerine - seen every day at all kinds of sites |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Noted at Ek Balam, Chichen Itza, Celestun, Cozumel and Coba, but not in the forested south |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
Fourteen seen on seven dates |
Yellow-throated Warbler |
Nineteen sightings of this highly attractive warbler. Surprisingly, many of them were on or even inside buildings! |
Palm Warbler |
Seen at Ek Balam, Celestun and Coba - six noted |
Black-and-white Warbler |
Frequently noted - upwards of 30 seen |
American Redstart |
Frequent - especially common at Palenque and Calakmul |
Worm-eating Warbler |
Singles in the forest at Palenque and Calakmul |
Ovenbird |
One a Chichen Itza, then three at Palenque and singles at Calakmul ad Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Northern Waterthrush |
About 15 seen and heard at various sites |
Louisiana Waterthrush |
Four at Palenque |
Kentucky Warbler |
Singles males at the hotel in Palenque were probably the same bird |
Common Yellowthroat |
Singles at Celestun and Palenque, then two at Felipe Carrillo Puerto, 2 on Cozumel ad six at Coba |
Grey-crowned Yellowthroat |
One calling bird at a swamp near Celestun |
Hooded Warbler |
Eleven, all males, noted on seven dates from Palenque onwards |
Wilson's Warbler |
Five seen, all males, at Palenque and Calakmul |
Golden-crowned Warbler |
Four at Palenque |
Yellow-breasted Chat |
Four at Palenque |
Grey-throated Chat |
A pair seen at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Bananaquit |
One of the near-endemic white-throated form seen on Cozumel |
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager |
Singles at Palenque and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, and 3 at Coba |
Red-throated Ant-Tanager |
17+ at Palenque and 6 at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Rose-throated Tanager |
A male and three females noted at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Summer Tanager |
Fifteen seen on eight dates - only about three were males |
Crimson-collared Tanager |
Two at Palenque |
Scarlet-rumped Tanager |
One male at Palenque |
Blue-grey Tanager |
One at Palenque |
Yellow-winged Tanager |
Two at Palenque and another at Coba |
Scrub Euphonia |
Two at Chichen Itza, 2 at Celestun, 3 at Palenque and 4 at Calakmul |
Yellow-throated Euphonia |
A male at Chichen Itza, 10 at Palenque and 10 more at Calakmul |
Olive-backed Euphonia |
Two pairs seen at Palenque |
Blue-black Grassquit |
Single males at Palenque and near Calakmul, and five at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
White-collared Seedeater |
2+ at Ocum Lake, near Felipe Carrillo Puerto, and about 7 or so at Coba Lake |
Yellow-faced Grassquit |
Two at Ek Balam, and 4 at Uxmal, 5 at Calakmul and 2 of the endemic island form on Cozumel |
Olive Sparrow |
Two in the forests at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Green-backed Sparrow |
One at Palenque and another singing in response to a distant rival at Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Savannah Sparrow |
One in coastal scrub at Celestun |
Greyish Saltator |
Three around Celestun |
Buff-throated Saltator |
About 11 sightings at Palenque |
Black-headed Saltator |
Small numbers noted at Ek Balam, Chichen Itza, Palenque and Coba |
Northern Cardinal |
Five in and around Celestun |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
2+ at Ek Balam |
Blue Bunting |
Singles at Sayil, Calakmul and Felipe Carrillo Puerto |
Blue-black Grosbeak |
A male and a separate female at Palenque |
Blue Grosbeak |
A male at Coba Lake was the last addition to the trip list |
Indigo Bunting |
A flock of about 30 east of Celestun, 3 females at Ocum Lake and 1 at Coba |
Painted Bunting |
About four east of Celestun |
Red-winged Blackbird |
A flock of 20 flew over the road bridge at Celestun |
Eastern Meadowlark |
One from the car in the Chiapas marshes |
Melodious Blackbird |
Fairly common throughout |
Great-tailed Grackle |
Very common throughout |
Bronzed Cowbird |
Only noted at Coba, but possibly overlooked. 100+ at that site |
Orange Oriole |
Six at Celestun, and then three more at Coba |
Yellow-tailed Oriole |
Two at a swamp site east of Celestun |
Altamira Oriole |
Quite common throughout, but thin on the ground in true forest sites |
Hooded Oriole |
Probably the commonest oriole - 43 noted on seven dates |
Baltimore Oriole |
Two at Chichen Itza and two more at Xpuhil, near Calakmul |
Orchard Oriole |
Four at Celestun and 2 at Coba |
Black-cowled Oriole |
One at Chichen Itza, 2 near Celestun and 1 at Calakmul |
Yellow-billed Cacique |
One at Chichen Itza and a further 4 at Palenque |
Montezuma Oropendola |
Four at Palenque and another 4 at Calakmul |
Simon Woolley
January 2007