This is the systematic list for our ten day trip in southern and central
Spain earlier this month. We covered most of the best and recognized sites
in the region, and saw most of our target species. Our major (but understandable)
omissions, not for want of trying, were Marbled Duck, Crested Coot and
Red-necked Nightjar, although we were surprised not to see a Tawny Pipit
either! Sites visited were : Teba Gorge, Lagunas Dulce,
Fuente de Piedra, Utrera and Espera, La Serena,
Trujillo, Belen steppe, Monfrague National Park,
Coto Donana, east bank of the Guadalquivir. We hope you
enjoy browsing through this list - please e-mail
us if you have any comments, or would like any advice re. sites etc.
Little Grebe
Remarkably, recorded every day bar one! Most numerous Lagunas Dulce
and Espera, with up to 50 at the latter site, but also 22 on a pond
near Trujillo bullring, and two on a seasonal puddle on the Belen
Great Crested Grebe
About 10 were noted at Laguna Dulce on the earlier visits
Black-necked Grebe
A real highlight of the trip was seeing large numbers of Black-necked
Grebes in breeding plumage. About 50 were at Laguna Dulce, and possibly
twice as many were at Laguna Espera
Northern Gannet
Fifteen flew west past Matalascanas
Grey Heron
One on the Belen steppe, 6 flying to roost at Tietar Cliffs, Monfrague
National Park, and frequently noted in the Coto Donana
Purple Heron
Only seen in the Coto Donana, with numerous sightings at various
wetlands, including about 5 at La Rocinas
Little Egret
Surprisingly infrequent - five near Trujillo, about 10 in the Coto
Donana, and then large numbers (50+) on the east bank of the Guadalquivir
Cattle Egret
Seen every day but three, but usually in numbers below 25. About
200 on the east bank of the Guadalquivir
Squacco Heron
Eight sightings in the Coto Donana area, with most (four together)
at La Rocinas
Little Bittern
A superb male showed poorly in the reeds, and then well (but all
too briefly) in flight at La Rocinas
Black Stork
Noted daily in the Monfrague National Park area, with 13 sightings
in all. Five soared over the bridge at great height on afternoon,
and two nests were located at Penafalcon
White Stork
Noted daily from Cordoba onwards, until returning to the Andalucian
hills. Often very common, with upwards of 150 a day being seen.
Nests were seen almost everywhere, notably in Trujillo town square,
where at least a dozen pairs were nesting
Very pleasing numbers seen in the Coto Donana - up to 20 per day,
with at least a dozen at La Rocinas
Greater Flamingo
Noted at five sites - Laguna Dulce (max. 30), Laguna de Fuente
de Piedra (c. 5000?), Coto Donana (c. 1000, mostly from El Rocio
bridge), the east bank of the Guadalquivir (10), Laguna de Utrera
Greylag Goose
Sixteen in the Coto Donana, and one dubious looking partial albino
at Laguna Espera
Up to 10 at Laguna Dulce, and perhaps 50 noted in the Coto Donana
Common Teal
A pair was noted from El Rocio bridge in the Coto Donana on one
Seen daily, generally in single figures, and often in quite dry
areas, but more frequently in the Coto Donana
Northern Shoveler
About 10 at Laguna Dulce, and about 20 or so in the Coto Donana
Red-crested Pochard
Noted at Laguna Dulce (20+ present), the Coto Donana (up to 30
seen) and Laguna Espera (c.10)
Common Pochard
20+ at Laguna Dulce, about 50 in the Coto Donana, and a few at
Laguna Espera too
[Ferruginous Duck]
[Two males were seen from the Acebuche visitors' centre hides in
the Coto Donana, but since the species is the subject of a reintroduction
programme, it would be unwise to assume wild provenance]
White-headed Duck
It was excellent to see so many individuals of this globally threatened
species. At least 21 (6 males) were at Laguna Dulce, and two males
and a female were also at Laguna Espera
Black-shouldered Kite
Two performed magically over the dehesa surrounding Estacion de
Bazagona, just outside the Monfrague National Park
Black Kite
Very scarce in the extreme south of Andalucia, but from about Teba
northwards, very common, with probably over 50 per day
Red Kite
A total of 22 sightings was logged, with all records coming from
the area around Trujillo, notably the Belen steppe and Monfrague
National Park
Black (Monk) Vulture
Very impressively, 18 sightings were logged, all but two in Monfrague
National Park. These included a pair on their nesting tree, and
several at very low altitude. Away from the Park, one grazed Trujillo
castle, and another was seen over the steppe to the south of the
Griffon Vulture
Noted on all days bar two, generally in small numbers, except for
the area around Monfrague National Park, where upwards of 100 were
seen each day, including many at the nest
Egyptian Vulture
Only seen in Monfrague National Park - about 18 sightings noted
Short-toed Eagle
Two at Belen steppe, including one perched at close range on a
pylon, and at least 7 sightings in Monfrague National Park
Montagu's Harrier
Twelve were noted, most at La Serena and Belen steppe, but with
odd individuals seen from the car elsewhere. A disappointingly low
figure, made up for by stunning close range views
Marsh Harrier
A female at Laguna Dulce, a male in the Coto del Rey (Coto Donana),
and 4 on the east bank of the Guadalquivir
Singles were noted on two occasions
Sixteen were noted at widely scattered localities
Spanish Imperial Eagle
A total of between six and eight birds was noted in Monfrague National
Park (though some further duplication is possible), including two
adults at a nest site. Another (or the same?) two adults were watched
displaying and calling over Tietar cliffs
Golden Eagle
A first-year bird low beside the road at dusk at La Serena was
followed the next day by two being mobbed by two Red Kites at Belen
steppe, the ensuing dogfight flushing a dozen White Storks and five
Great Bustards!
Bonelli's Eagle
A fantastic finish to the trip was provided by the discovery of
two adults displaying and nest building on cliffs alongside the
Ronda-Teba road
Booted Eagle
Thirteen were noted, nine of them pale phase, at widely scattered
localities, with most in the Coto Donana, including several displaying
at very low altitude over Acebuche hides and La Rocinas
Lesser Kestrel
Noted on all days but three, with the highest numbers around Trujillo,
where up to 100 could be seen circling around the roofs of the old
Common Kestrel
Noted daily, generally in small numbers. Often inseparable from
the former species at a distance or from a moving car
Eurasian Hobby
One flew fast over El Rocio bridge, Coto Donana
Peregrine Falcon
Two were seen at Penafalcon, Monfrague National Park
Red-legged Partridge
Twenty four noted, with most in Monfrague National Park and in
the rolling farmlands of central Andalucia
Common Quail
Up to four heard calling at Belen steppe
Water Rail
One seen very briefly, disappearing into the reeds, and another
heard calling at La Rocinas, Coto Donana
Little Crake
A male performed fantastically well at the Cerrado Garrigo Centre,
Coto Donana, wading about on floating reeds and sedges just a few
yards from the observation window, and showing continuously for
at least half an hour
Spotted Crake
One was seen very briefly in flight from one of the hides at Acebuche,
Coto Donana
Common Moorhen
Noted at most wetland sites, with most Laguna Dulce. Also very
common in the Coto Donana
Purple Swamp-hen
Up to 20 in the Coto Donana, 2 on the east bank of the Guadalquivir,
and 2 at Laguna Espera
Common Coot
Abundant where present - Laguna Dulce (500+), El Rocio (800+),
Laguna Utrera (300+) and Laguna Espera (100+). Those within range
were checked carefully for Crested Coot, but no luck this time....
Little Bustard
Noted daily in the vicinity of La Serena and Trujillo, notably
at Belen steppe, with 40+ on one occasion. Most of those seen (by
some considerable margin) were males
Great Bustard
Noted on each visit to Belen steppe, with a fantastic 35 on one
occasion. Many males displaying, though sadly not very close to
the road or tracks
Black-winged Stilt
Noted on each day bar one, with many at Laguna de Fuente de Piedra,
a surprising 19 at a pond by Trujillo bullring, probably hundreds
in the Coto Donana, and 15 on the beach near Malaga
Pied Avocet
Noted only in the Coto Donana, where flocks of over 150 birds were
Stone Curlew
Following a call only record at Belen steppe one evening, two showed
brilliantly there the next day, and two more were located rather
more distantly. Also one heard at night near El Acebron, Coto Donana
Collared Pratincole
Very common in the Coto Donana, with large flocks of over 500 birds
hawking the marshes not uncommon
Northern Lapwing
Up to five at Laguna Dulce, and perhaps 30 noted in the Coto Donana
Ringed Plover
Scores noted at El Rocio, Coto Donana
Little Ringed Plover
Perhaps 50 present at El Rocio, Coto Donana
Kentish Plover
Five noted at El Rocio, Coto Donana
Black-tailed Godwit
Commonly seen in the Coto Donana, notably at El Rocio, where flocks
of about 30 were present
Six flew west past Matalascanas during a brief seawatch
Spotted Redshank
Two were recorded at the Cerrado Garrigo Centre, Coto Donana
Common Redshank
Commonly noted in the Coto Donana
Common Greenshank
Just one seen, at El Rocio, Coto Donana
Green Sandpiper
Again, only one seen, in a drainage ditch near the Cerrado Garrigo
Centre, Coto Donana
Wood Sandpiper
About a dozen seen on each visit to the El Rocio marshes, Coto
Common Sandpiper
Nine noted, mostly in the Coto Donana, but also at Teba Gorge
Common Snipe
Four in the Coto Donana, and one at Laguna Espera
Little Stint
500+ present at El Rocio, Coto Donana
Probably over 1000 were present at El Rocio, Coto Donana
About 25 were at Laguna de Fuente de Piedra, one was at the pond
near Trujillo bullring, and then very common (50+ daily) in the
Coto Donana
Great Skua
A pleasing bonus was the discovery of three making their way west
out of the Mediterranean at Matalascanas
Yellow-legged Gull
Only noted at Malaga, where several dozen coasted along the beach
Black-headed Gull
Surprisingly scarce. Seven noted at Laguna Dulce, five at the east
bank of the Guadalquivir, and one past Malaga
Whiskered Tern
Up to four at Laguna Dulce, 2 or 3 at El Rocio and La Rocinas,
Coto Donana, and about 30 at the east bank of the Guadalquivir
Gull-billed Tern
About 20 at and near Laguna Dulce, 25 at Laguna de Fuente de Piedra,
up to six in the Coto Donana, and 50+ at the east bank of the Guadalquivir
Sandwich Tern
Ten flew west past Matalascanas during the brief evening seawatch
Pin-tailed Sandgrouse
Eighteen were seen, and others were heard, at La Serena, all in
Black-bellied Sandgrouse
Two pairs were seen at La Serena
Rock Pigeon
Many apparently pure birds at montane sites like Ronda and Teba
Gorges, but many obviously impure birds were also there, as well
as elsewhere
Common Wood Pigeon
About 20 noted at widely scattered localities
European Turtle Dove
Two separate individuals seen one evening in the Coto Donana
Collared Dove
A single seen near the village of Fuente de Piedra looked liked
being a major trip list blocker, until another flew past the airport
terminal at Malaga!
Monk Parakeet
Two flew over calling at the car hire depot in Malaga, and another
two parakeets, probably of this species, were seen from the car
near Seville
Great Spotted Cuckoo
Three, at least one of them a first summer bird, performed brilliantly,
feeding actively from fenceposts, in the early morning at Belen
Common Cuckoo
Fourteen noted, mostly heard only
Eagle Owl
A serious contender for bird of the trip, a stunning Eagle Owl
emerged from Tietar Cliffs at 9.10pm during our evening stake-out,
perched in full view on the rocks for a few minutes, and then flew
off to perch silhouetted on a tree against the sky for a further
four minutes or so, before vanishing off over the ridge. A dream
Tawny Owl
Heard on two occasions near La Rocinas, Coto Donana, once in broad
daylight, and one seen briefly on a post in the car headlights there
while we listened for Nightjars
Little Owl
One at La Serena, and a further three at Belen steppe
European Nightjar
One heard singing at night near La Rocinas, Coto Donana. Despite
three attempts at known sites, no sign whatsoever could be found
of Red-necked Nightjar. A combination of early season and wind probably
accounted for the failure
Alpine Swift
Quite frequently noted, but in big numbers at only two sites, Teba
Gorge (evening much better than midday - c.500 screaming around
the canyon walls) and Monfrague National Park, notably around the
Pallid Swift
Several hundred seen, but only firmly identified in the south of
Andalucia, notably at Teba and Laguna Dulce
Common Swift
Seen daily, and generally abundant
European Bee-eater
Seen daily, but numbers varied considerably - max. 50+ around Monfrague
National Park and Trujillo, min. just 2 on 3 days
Seen every day bar the last - generally about 10 per day, but as
few as 1 or 2 on some days
Great Spotted Woodpecker
One heard drumming in Monfrague National Park, and two seen there
the next day, and one drumming at La Rocinas, Coto Donana
Calandra Lark
Common and very conspicuous at three sites - La Serena, Belen steppe
and surrounding areas and the dry areas of the Coto Donana. Also
a few seen in other agricultural areas
Greater Short-toed Lark
Two in La Serena, and perhaps over 100 in the dry fields near the
Cerrado Garrigo Centre, Coto Donana
Lesser Short-toed Lark
At least 5 seen well in the same area as the previous species in
the Coto Donana
Crested Lark
Very common in all areas - seen daily
Thekla Lark
Notably scarcer than the previous species, but still positively
identified on five dates - doubtless others were seen but recorded
as Galerida sp. Most seen in sites such as Monfrague National Park
and the Belen steppe
Wood Lark
Two at La Serena, and a total of 7 in Monfrague National Park
Sky Lark
Noted on three days only, but doubtless others overlooked
Sand Martin
Only seen on two occasions - 20 at the Cerrado Garrigo Centre,
Coto Donana, and 10 at Laguna Dulce two days later
Eurasian Crag Martin
Noted every day but two, and most common, as expected, in rocky
or hilly areas, notably Teba Gorge and Monfrague National Park,
where 50+ seen on one date
Barn Swallow
Common and widespread - seen daily
Red-rumped Swallow
Seen on six days, with large numbers around Monfrague National
Park and Trujillo. Sadly, one flock's habit of settling on the road
means there is one fewer Red-rumped Swallow in Spain this spring....
House Martin
Common and widespread - seen daily
Yellow Wagtail
Common in the Coto Donana (c.60 seen), and a very few elsewhere
in the south. All those positively identified were of the race iberiae
Grey Wagtail
At least 2 at Teba Gorge, 1 at Tietar Cliffs, Monfrague National
Park, and 1 at Ronda Gorge
White Wagtail
A total of seven noted on four days, mostly around Trujillo and
Monfrague National Park
Meadow Pipit
Three at La Serena and 3 more at Belen steppe
Southern Grey Shrike
Seventeen noted in all, mostly as singles per day, but 10 were
seen at La Serena
Woodchat Shrike
Seen every day bar one, but very scarce in lowland and southern
Andalucia. In contrast, very common around Monfrague National Park,
with at least ten seen daily
Only seven noted, and probably some repetition involved. Present
at Teba Gorge and La Rocinas, Coto Donana
European Robin
Only heard once, two singing at Monfrague National Park
Common Nightingale
Heard daily, generally in low numbers early on (10 after five days),
but then very commonly heard and seen in the Coto Donana (max. 30+
in a day)
Black Redstart
An interesting singing male at Teba castle appeared to be a first
summer bird, being largely dusky grey without any white wing panel.
In addition, 3 further singing males seen
Common Redstart
A male was seen at a roadside stop near Cordoba
Two at La Serena and one at Belen steppe
Common Stonechat
Seen daily - a common and widespread roadside bird. Several pairs
were seen feeding well gown fledged young
Black Wheatear
Six at Teba castle, one near the bridge at Monfrague National Park,
and one near the Bonelli's Eagle site near Teba
Northern Wheatear
Eleven noted on four dates
Black-eared Wheatear
Four in La Serena, five males and a female near Espera, and a male
near Teba
Blue Rock Thrush
Noted quite frequently - 12 records noted, all but two of males,
usually singing. Most frequent at Teba Gorge and in Monfrague National
Common Blackbird
Up to five noted every day
Mistle Thrush
Three seen and another heard, all in the vicinity of Trujillo and
Monfrague National Park
Cetti's Warbler
About 30 heard singing throughout (but most common in the Coto
Donana) - good views only had at Teba Gorge, where the suitable
habitat was limited to about three square metres of reed and scrub
Common Grasshopper Warbler
One heard reeling at Acebuche visitors' centre, Coto Donana
Savi's Warbler
Up to a dozen heard in the Coto Donana, and 3 seen, including a
splendid male singing from an exposed reed stem at only a few yards
range at La Rocinas
Sedge Warbler
Two heard at La Rocinas, Coto Donana
Eurasian Reed Warbler
One at Laguna Dulce, and a further six or so in the Coto Donana
Great Reed Warbler
Three heard (only one seen) in the Coto Donana, and another heard
at Laguna Dulce
Melodious Warbler
One singing (seen briefly) at La Rocinas, Coto Donana, and another
seen well on the wire fence by the Cerrado Garrigo Centre, also
Coto Donana
Zitting Cisticola
Eleven singing males noted at a variety of dampish sites
Willow Warbler
Seven noted on five days
Chiffchaff sp.
One seen (but not heard) at La Rocinas, Coto Donana
Eleven noted on five days
Common Whitethroat
A male by the roadside near Utrera completed the Sylvia
grand slam
Sardinian Warbler
Frequently heard and often seen - only missed on three days. Particularly
common around Monfrague National Park
Subalpine Warbler
A total of fifteen seen at Monfrague National Park, mostly singing
males. The birds seem very partial to Cistus scrub covered hillsides
Spectacled Warbler
Three, two of them singing males, were located in very dry scrub
near the Cerrado Garrigo Centre, Coto Donana
Dartford Warbler
Two singing males were seen - one in Monfrague National Park, and
the other at Acebuche visitors' centre, Coto Donana
Pied Flycatcher
A male near the Cerrado Garrigo Centre, Coto Donana, and another
at Torre la Higuera campsite, near Matalascanas
Long-tailed Tit
Thirteen noted on four dates
Great Tit
Seen daily, but rarely in double figures
Blue Tit
Seen less frequently, but in similar numbers to the previous species
European Nuthatch
One in roadside trees near Cordoba
Short-toed Treecreeper
Singles noted by the Tajo river, Monfrague National Park, and singing
at La Rocinas, Coto Donana
Corn Bunting
One of the delights of this trip was the sheer abundance of Corn
Buntings, which seemed to be singing whenever and wherever the car
was stopped. Almost incredibly common, especially at La Serena and
Belen steppe
Rock Bunting
About 9 seen in Monfrague National Park, and a further pair at
Ronda Gorge
Ortolan Bunting
Two males at Laguna Espera
Common Chaffinch
Noted on seven days, and where it occurred, common
European Serin
Seen daily - very common and conspicuous
European Greenfinch
About 20 noted on six days
European Goldfinch
Very common and widespread - many large flocks seen
Common Linnet
Noted most days in single figures
Two in almond trees at Ronda Gorge
House Sparrow
Very abundant indeed
Spanish Sparrow
About 50 at La Serena, and similar numbers at Belen steppe
Tree Sparrow
At least three noted at La Rocinas, Coto Donana
Rock Sparrow
About 8 at Teba castle, and four more at Ronda Gorge
Spotless Starling
Eurasian Jay
A total of 22 seen in Monfrague National Park, including the remarkable
sight of a loose flock of 13 birds moving across a wooded valley
together about an hour after dawn
Azure-winged Magpie
Seen daily from just north of Cordoba to the Coto Donana. Often
common, and frequently quite tame
Black-billed Magpie
Noted every day but one, but generally in single figures
Red-billed Chough
About 50 at Teba Gorge and castle, and upwards of 100 at Ronda
Eurasian Jackdaw
Seen every day but one - often very common
Carrion Crow
Two at the roadside south of Trujillo, and 2 near Zafra
Common Raven
Thirteen noted on six days
171 species recorded