This is the systematic list report for a trip to Goa, India,
undertaken by Julia Casson, Jacky Harris, Chris Mills and Simon Woolley
(all UK). We travelled on a package deal with Manos Holidays, staying
at the Marina Dourada hotel at Arpora, Baga. The hotel was excellent and
very well placed, and we would recommend it.
Our trip to Molem was arranged by 'BackWoods', a local company
run by Leio de Souza et al., and again we would not hesitate to recommend
their services. They offer full transportation, 'luxury' tented accommodation
(i.e. they have beds, showers and flush toilets!) in the jungle and full
board for about 20 pounds sterling per person per day/night.
We'd much appreciate any comments or observations re. this
report, whether you've been to Goa, or are about to go, or are thinking
of it. It's brilliant!
20th December 1998 - 2nd January 1999
Little Grebe
Tachybaptus ruficollis
A few present at Carambolim Lake
on each visit |
Great Cormorant
Phalacrocorax carbo
Two flew over with Little Cormorants
near Saligao early 31/12. The species is apparently something of a
rarity in Goa |
Indian Cormorant (or Shag)
Phalacrocorax fuscicollis
About 200 at Ciba-Geigy 23/12, and
a few at Carambolim Lake 29/12 |
Little Cormorant
Phalacrocorax niger
Up to 30 around Baga almost daily,
and a few also at Carambolim Lake, and in flight elsewhere |
Oriental Darter
Anhinga melanogaster
Two adults and 2 juveniles at Ciba-Geigy
23/12 |
Grey Heron
Ardea cinerea
Up to 3 seen on most days, mostly
around Baga |
Purple Heron
Ardea purpurea
Singles seen at Baga and Carambolim
Lake, and 2 at Ciba-Geigy 23/12 |
Striated Heron
Butorides striatus
Noted almost daily around Baga, with
a few at other sites such as Carambolim Lake |
Indian Pond Heron
Ardeola grayii
Very common indeed, often seen far
from water |
Cattle Egret
Bubulcus ibis
Commonly seen at the roadside and
in fields throughout Goa |
Great White Egret
Casmerodius albus
Up to 10 seen most days around Baga;
also at Carambolim Lake |
Intermediate Egret
Mesophoyx intermedia
A few on the hotel lakes most days,
and over 150 present on the Carambolim Lake rice paddies on each visit |
Little Egret
Egretta garzetta
Very common around the coast and
at all wetland habitats |
Western Reef Egret
Egretta gularis
A few seen at the coast, max. 9 off
Panjim salt pans 23/12, with dark birds predominating. One on the
hotel lakes 20/12 |
Black-crowned Night Heron
Nycticorax nycticorax
Two were seen flying over the hotel
towards the Beira Mar Hotel area at about 6.40pm 20/12 and 1/1, with
one doing the same 30/12 |
Cinnamon Bittern
Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
The regular female at the Beira Mar
Hotel showed very well at dusk 26/12 |
Asian Openbill Stork
Anastomus oscitans
34 were present at Ciba-Geigy 23/12,
and one flew over Carambolim Lake the same afternoon. Also, one was
perched in mangroves beside the Mandovi River 24/12 |
Woolly-necked Stork
Ciconia episcopus
One at Ciba-Geigy 23/12, and one
in flight near Saligao 31/12 |
Lesser Adjutant
Leptoptilos javanicus
Three were present at Ciba-Geigy
23/12. This site has apparently been quite dependable this winter,
with birds also being seen on the mangroves on Chorao Island |
Lesser Whistling Duck
Dendrocygna javanica
Nine flew over the hotel salt pans
early 22/12. Very numerous at Carambolim Lake, with over 500 present
on both visits |
Northern Pintail
Anas acuta
About 10 at Carambolim Lake 23/12 |
Anas querquedula
500+ present at Carambolim Lake on
each visit |
Northern Shoveler
Anas clypeata
Two females at Carambolim Lake 23/12
and a drake there 29/12 - doubtless there were more! |
Cotton Pygmy-goose
Nettapus coromandelianus
About 30 seen at Carambolim Lake
on each visit |
Oriental Honey-buzzard
Pernis ptilorhynchus
Two were apparently resident around
the hotel and Baga Hill, and clearly other birds also in the area,
but sightings dried up in the second week. Also noted at Molem |
Black Kite
Milvus migrans
Very common, with the population
showing a good mixture of resident and migrant race birds. Oddly,
absent in the Ghats |
Brahminy Kite
Haliastur indus
Very common near the coast, but again,
absent inland. Beware ID problems with immature birds! |
Accipiter badius
Eight singles noted, mostly at Baga |
Common Buzzard
Buteo buteo
One over Coco Beach 24/12, and another
over Baga Hill 2/1 |
Long-legged Buzzard
Buteo rufinus
One over Baga Hill 30/12 and 1/1 |
Changeable (Crested) Hawk Eagle
Spizaetus cirrhatus
One very vocal individual on the
east side of Maem Lake 31/12. Listen for the insistent, rising crescendo
of 7 or eight "kleee" notes. The bird regularly favours
the exposed 'ash-like' tree about 50 yards north of the dam |
Booted Eagle
Hieraaetus pennatus
Daily sightings at Baga 20-26/12,
max. 2 22/12, then 3 more there 29/12 and 30/12. Sightings of pale
birds outnumbered those of dark birds 7:4 |
Rufous-bellied Eagle
Hieraaetus kienerii
Three soaring over Tambdi Surla temple,
Molem 29/12 |
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Aquila pomarina
One sub-adult behind the Beira Mar
Hotel 21/12 was seen with another bird there 26/12. Also, one near
the Stoliczka's Site (Carambolim village) 29/12, and another over
fields near Saligao 31/12. The species is perhaps more frequent in
Goa than is currently thought |
White-bellied Sea-eagle
Haliaeetus leucogaster
A total of fourteen sighting of this
magnificent bird, the best being an adult on posts off Panjim saltpans
29/12, and an adult in pursuit of a second year bird at Fort Aguada
1/1. Likely to be encountered almost anywhere along the coastal strip |
Eurasian Marsh Harrier
Circus aeruginosus
Nineteen sightings, all over the
fields and marshes around Baga and Carambolim Lake |
Crested Serpent Eagle
Spilornis cheela
Heard frequently at Molem, and three
seen soaring over the forest there |
Pandion haliaetus
Present throughout at Baga, with
up to 3 on the hotel lakes, but usually just one seen each day |
Peregrine Falcon
Falco peregrinus
One was over Baga Hill 1/1. In addition,
a large falcon seen the day before near Saligao was thought more likely
to have been a Laggar Falcon |
Common Kestrel
Falco tinnunculus
A male at Vasco da Gama airport 20/12
was the only sighting |
Red Spurfowl
Galloperdix spadicea
Two seen briefly on Baga Hill 1/1.
Other birders reported more satisfactory sightings near the shrine,
early morning only |
Grey Junglefowl
Gallus sonneratii
Heard at Tambdi Surla 27/12, and
a male and two females seen on the Devil's Canyon Trail, Molem 28/12.
Again, early morning is the key time |
Indian Peafowl
Pavo cristatus
The only sighting was of a male by
the river at Backwoods Camp, Molem 28/12. In addition, feathers were
found at Baga Hill on two occasions! Several also reported from the
top of Fort Aguada hill |
Barred (Common) Buttonquail
Turnix suscitator
Two were seen briefly in the scrub
behind Morji beach 25/12. A probable was flushed the next day on top
of Baga Hill, and another buttonquail sp. was seen near Backwoods
Camp, Molem 28/12 |
White-breasted Waterhen
Amaurornis phoenicurus
A few noted on most days around almost
any wet habitat. A surprisingly shy bird |
Gallicrex cinerea
A female was behind the Beira Mar
Hotel 21/12, and two were seen there 26/12. Huge birds, likened to
a Pheasant x Corncrake hybrid! They don't seem to emerge until it
is almost dark (ditto the other 'specials' at the Beira Mar) |
Common Moorhen
Gallinula chloropus
Present in large numbers at Carambolim
Lake |
Purple Swamphen
Porphyrio porphyrio
100+ at Carambolim Lake on each visit.
The birds appear to be of the grey-headed (sub?)species poliocephalus
Common Coot
Fulica atra
Present in large numbers at Carambolim
Lake |
Pheasant-tailed Jacana
Hydrophasianus chirurgus
About 100 at Carambolim Lake on each
visit |
Bronze-winged Jacana
Metopidius indicus
Less numerous than the previous species,
but still common at Carambolim Lake with about 50 birds seen |
Red-wattled Lapwing
Vanellus indicus
Up to 15 around Baga daily, and a
few seen at other sites |
Yellow-wattled Lapwing
Vanellus malabaricus
Seven on flooded rice fields at Mardol,
en route to Bondla 27/12. Also reported from Dona Paula |
Grey Plover
Pluvialis squatarola
About 20 on the Chapora Estuary 2/1 |
Greater Sand Plover
Charadrius leschenaultii
Much scarcer than Lesser Sand Plover,
with 5 on the first visit to Morji Beach 24/12, and only 2 the next
day |
Little Ringed Plover
Charadrius dubius
Common around Baga, with up to 25
birds in a day |
Kentish Plover
Charadrius alexandrinus
Four at Baga and 2 at Morji Beach
24/12, with about 20 at the latter site 25/12 |
Lesser Sand Plover
Chardrius mongolus
Up to 100 seen at Morji Beach on
each visit |
Black-tailed Godwit
Limosa limosa
One on the flooded rice paddies at
Carambolim Lake 29/12; apparently a fairly extreme Goan rarity! |
Numenius phaeopus
About 10 on the Mandovi River 24/12 |
Eurasian Curlew
Numenius arquata
One on the Mandovi River 24/12, and
four on the Chapora Estuary 2/1 |
Spotted Redshank
Tringa erythropus
Ten bird days at the lakes around
the hotel, though apparently absent towards the end of our stay |
Common Redshank
Tringa totanus
Common on the hotel lakes |
Marsh Sandpiper
Tringa stagnatilis
Up to five regularly on the hotel
lakes, and about 10 on each visit to Carambolim Lake |
Common Greenshank
Tringa nebularia
Up to 10 seen almost daily |
Green Sandpiper
Tringa ochropus
Twelve birds noted at the hotel lakes
and Carambolim Lake |
Wood Sandpiper
Tringa glareola
Present in good numbers at the hotel
lakes, max. 15, and also up to 50 at Carambolim Lake |
Common Sandpiper
Actitis hypoleucos
Very common around the lakes and
canals at Baga |
Pintail Snipe
Gallinago stenura
Twelve certain birds were noted,
at Candolim, Baga Fields, with a max. of 6 behind the Beira Mar Hotel
26/12. Not difficult to identify if seen well - concentrate on structure
and the trailing edge of the wing. Some other snipe may have been
of this species too |
Common Snipe
Gallinago gallinago
Two behind the Beira Mar Hotel 26/12;
probably others too (see above) |
Calidris alba
About twenty at the Chapora Estuary
2/1 |
Little Stint
Calidris minuta
Forty at Carambolim Lake 23/12, and
about 20 there and near the Stoliczka's Site (Carambolim village)
29/12 |
Temminck's Stint
Calidris temminckii
Three on the hotel lakes 30/12, with
2 still there the next day |
Greater Painted-snipe
Rostratula benghalensis
About three seen very poorly behind
the Beira Mar Hotel 21/12, but 4 showed in much better light there
26/12 |
Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
Up to 20 on the rice fields at Carambolim
Lake on each visit |
Small Pratincole
Glareola lactea
Good numbers seen. About 30 were
behind the Beira Mar Hotel 21/12, then 500 at Carambolim Lake 23/12
(with 100 there 29/12), 100 and 250 at Morji beach 24/12 and 25/12,
and about 30 more spread over the last four days of the trip around
Baga |
Caspian Gull
Larus cachinnans
The predominant gull species on the
Chapora Estuary, with upwards of 500 birds present on each visit.
The birds seem to show very much more variation in e.g. eye colour
and primary pattern than the widely cited European literature sometimes
suggests! |
Heuglin's Gull
Larus heuglini
Rather scarcer than the previous
species, with between 50 and 100 noted at Morji Beach |
Great Black-headed Gull
Larus ichthyaetus
Three adults at Morji Beach 24/12,
but only one there the next day. However, 14 were present on the Chapora
Estuary 2/1 |
Brown-headed Gull
Larus brunnicephalus
Abundant at the coast, with more
than 500 at Morji Beach on each visit. Also a few offshore from Fort
Aguada, and also off Panjim salt pans |
Black-headed Gull
Larus ridibundus
Marginally scarcer than Brown-headed
Gull, but still present in large numbers at the same sites |
Slender-billed Gull
Larus genei
Seven were picked up in flight at
Morji Beach 25/12 |
Gull-billed Tern
Gelochelidon nilotica
Up to ten noted on each trip to Morji
Beach and Carambolim Lake, and a few noted offshore near Coco Beach |
Little Tern
Sterna albifrons
Four at Morji Beach 25/12, and 2
on the Chapora Estuary 2/1 |
(Great) Crested Tern
Sterna bergii
Up to 10 on each visit to Morji Beach |
Lesser Crested Tern
Sterna bengalensis
Up to 30 on each visit to Morji Beach |
Sandwich Tern
Sterna sandvicensis
Present at Morji Beach in similar
numbers to Great Crested Tern |
Pompadour Green Pigeon (Grey-fronted
Green Pigeon)
Treron pompadora
Two at Bondla 27/12, and heard widely
at Molem (an odd, un-pigeon-like pulsing hoot), with 3 seen there
29/12 |
Rock Pigeon
Columba livia
Feral birds were commonly noted at
the coast |
Red Collared Dove
Streptopelia tranquebarica
Two were on wires near Tambdi Surla
temple, Molem 27/12. This remains the only site for this species in
Goa |
Spotted Dove
Streptopelia chinensis
Very common throughout; seen daily |
Emerald Dove
Chalcophaps indica
One very briefly at Baga Hill 21/12 |
Rose-ringed Parakeet
Psittacula krameri
Quite common near the coast, but
usually seen only in flight. Max. c.20 26/12 |
Plum-headed Parakeet (Blossom-headed
Psittacula cyanocephala
About 30 seen, mostly around Baga |
Vernal Hanging Parrot (Indian
Loriculus vernalis
About 30 were seen at Bondla and
Molem, but all but one gave only poor views. The very distinctive
flight call (a whistled almost pipit-like "peeep-peeep-peeep"),
once learnt, reveals more than would otherwise be the case |
Large Hawk Cuckoo
Hierococcyx sparverioides
One at Backwoods Camp, Molem 28/12 |
Banded Bay Cuckoo
Cacomantis sonneratii
One was in scrub at the foot of Baga
Hill 1/1 |
Asian Koel
Eudynamys scolopacea
Common and seen daily at the coast,
especially on the fruiting trees at Baga Hill. Not noted at Molem
or Bondla |
Blue-faced Malkoha
Phaenicophaeus viridirostris
Two were seen at Molem 29/12. Very
quiet and inconspicuous birds, but not shy |
Greater Coucal
Centropus sinensis
About 20 seen, max. 6 at the foot
of Baga Hill 21/12. Also quite frequently heard calling |
Collared Scops Owl
Otus bakkamoena
One was heard calling at night from
Backwoods Camp, Molem, 27/12 and 28/12 |
Brown Fish Owl
Ketupa zeylonensis
The regular bird at Maem Lake was
seen, albeit briefly, 31/12. If trying for this bird, you would be
well served by taking a driver who knows the site well, and exactly
in which trees to look |
Jungle Owlet
Glaucidium radiatum
One was located in daylight behind
the fig tree at the foot of Baga Hill 25/12, and two were present
and showed very well there the next day. One was seen again there
1/1. Also heard calling from Backwoods Camp, Molem 27/12 and 28/12 |
Brown Hawk Owl
Ninox scutulata
Heard each evening at Backwoods Camp,
Molem, but much better was one roosting in a palm tree in the shola
beyond the Stoliczka's site 29/12. The tree is immediately outside
the only house in the wood - do ask the elderly lady who lives there
- she's very helpful! |
Spotted Owlet
Athene brama
One was regular in broad-leaved trees
behind the hotel, with two there 1/1. Also one behind Baga beach 26/12 |
Brown Wood Owl
Strix leptogrammica
One heard behind the hotel in the
small hours of 23/12, and another calling near Backwoods Camp, Molem
27/12 |
Ceylon Frogmouth
Batrachostomus moniliger
Heard at night from Backwoods Camp,
Molem 27/12 |
Jungle Nightjar
Caprimulgus indicus
At least one at dusk at Tambdi Surla
temple, Molem 27/12 |
Indian (Edible-nest) Swiftlet
Collocalia unicolor
A few dozen present on five or six
dates over Baga, and also at Molem, but 100+ over Baga 21/12 |
White-rumped Needletail
Zoonavena sylvatica
About 40 just before dusk at Tambdi
Surla temple, Molem, 27/12, but entirely absent from that site on
other occasions |
Pacific Swift
Apus pacificus
At least one was present with the
mixed swift flock at Tambdi Surla temple, Molem, 27/12. The species
resembles Common Swift more than Little Swift - rakish and long-winged.
Several Little Swifts with moulted tail feathers caused false alarms
over Baga |
Little Swift
Apus affinis
Easily the commonest swift; seen
daily in large numbers |
Asian Palm Swift
Cypsiurus balasiensis
Present in small numbers in the coastal
plain, wherever there were palms |
Crested Treeswift
Hemiprocne coronata
About 30 seen at Bondla and Molem |
Malabar Trogon
Harpactes fasciatus
This species was voted highlight
of the trip! A stunning male and two females were located by the Devil's
Canyon Trail, Molem 28/12. The birds were very inconspicuous, but
not shy, perching motionless in the open on lianas and low branches |
Pied Kingfisher
Ceryle rudis
Not seen daily, and much scarcer
than White-throated Kingfisher. Two seen around Baga on five occasions |
Common Kingfisher
Alcedo atthis
Very common and widespread; seen
daily in good numbers |
Stork-billed Kingfisher
Halcyon capensis
Present at low density around Baga;
rarely more than two in a day. Also noted in small numbers at Molem |
White-throated (Smyrna) Kingfisher
Halcyon smyrnensis
Common throughout; regularly 10+
in a day |
Black-capped Kingfisher
Halcyon pileata
One was seen on three occasions on
the marshy fields behind the Beira Mar Hotel, and another was at Molem
29/12 |
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater
Merops leschenaulti
26 seen around Molem, including about
20 on wires near Tambdi Surla temple, Molem 27/12 |
Blue-tailed Bee-eater
Merops philippinus
About 50 seen in total, mostly in
small parties, but about 20 were at Carambolim Lake 29/12 |
Little Green Bee-eater
Merops oreintalis
Very numerous in all suitable habitat |
Indian Roller
Coracias benghalensis
Twelve were noted, mostly on wires
over arable fields near the coast, but also a few inland |
Upopa epops
One at Fort Aguada 1/1 was the only
record |
Malabar Grey Hornbill
Ocyceros griseus
Four at Molem 28/12, and five there
the next day |
Malabar Pied Hornbill
Anthracoceros coronatus
Two at Molem 28/12, and 1 near Backwoods
Camp, Molem the next day |
Brown-headed (Large Green) Barbet
Megalaima zeylanica
Only one seen, at Molem 27/12 |
White-cheeked (Small Green) Barbet
Megalaima viridis
Common and very vocal, heard and
seen almost daily in any lightly wooded or forest habitat. Particularly
numerous on Baga Hill |
Crimson-fronted (-throated) Barbet
Megalaima rubicapilla
One at dawn at Backwoods Camp, Molem
28/12 |
Coppersmith Barbet
Megalaima haemacephala
A total of 10 seen, and others heard.
A nest hole was found in a dead tree behind the hotel |
Speckled Piculet
Picumnus inominatus
One seen briefly at Molem 29/12 |
Rufous Woodpecker
Celeus brachyurus
Singles were on Baga Hill 23/12 and
25/12, and there were three sightings at Molem 28/12 and 29/12 |
Black-rumped Flameback (Lesser
Golden-backed Woodpecker)
Dinopium benghalense
The most commonly seen woodpecker.
Sixteen were seen, max. 4 at Molem 28/12. Widely distributed, both
on the coast and in the hills |
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker
Dendrocopos mahrattensis
A male was seen on Baga Hill 1/1
and 2/1 |
Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
Dendrocopos nanus
One at Bondla 27/12 |
Heart-spotted Woodpecker
Hemicircus canente
Heard frequently around Backwoods
Camp, Molem, and seen twice, 27/12 and 28/12, the latter in small
trees by the camp fire |
Greater Flameback (Greater Golden-backed
Chrysocolaptes lucidus
Two at Molem 28/12, and again the
next day |
Indian Pitta
Pitta brachyura
After a fruitless but foetid attempt
at Fort Aguada, one showed extremely well on several occasions at
Backwoods Camp, Molem 27/12 and 28/12 |
Ashy-crowned Finch-lark
Eremopterix grisea
Three at Baga 30/12, and a further
7, including 2 males, at Chapora Fort 2/1 |
Rufous-tailed Lark
Ammomanes phoenicurus
Two at the Stoliczka's Site (Carambolim
village) 29/12 |
Greater Short-toed Lark
Calandrella brachydachtyla
Three at Baga 23/12 |
Malabar Lark
Galerida malabarica
Up to 10 on the fields near the hotel
throughout, and a few also noted near the Stoliczka's Site (Carambolim
village) and Chapora Fort |
Dusky Crag Martin
Hirundo concolor
At least one over the hotel lakes
21/12, and a further five there 25/12 |
Barn Swallow
Hirundo rustica
Genuinely infrequent - only about
fifteen noted on only 4 dates |
Wire-tailed Swallow
Hirundo smithii
About a dozen seen daily around Baga
and elsewhere |
Red-rumped Swallow
Hirundo daurica
The commonest hirundine - large flocks
of up to 200 noted every day |
Long-tailed Shrike
Lanius schach
Seen daily, with up to 10 birds noted |
Brown Shrike
Lanius cristatus
A first winter behind the hotel 25/12
and 31/12, and an adult near Backwoods Camp, Molem 29/12. Behaviour
apparently rather atypical of a shrike - not really a 'tops of bushes'
job. Could easily be overlooked |
Eurasian Golden Oriole
Oriolus oriolus
Noted almost daily, with up to ten
birds on several days. Particularly common on Baga Hill and at Molem |
Black-hooded Oriole
Oriolus xanthornus
One on Baga Hill 25/12, then 3 at
Bondla 27/12, 2 at Molem 27-29/12, 1 at Maem Lake 31/12 and 1 at Baga
Hill 2/1. All birds noted were males, suggesting that the females
are either elusive or difficult to distinguish from Eurasian Golden
Oriole |
Black Drongo
Dicrurus macrocercus
Very common around Baga |
Ashy Drongo
Dicrurus leucophaeus
Possibly overlooked at first, it
became clear that perhaps 25-30% of the Drongos in wooded habitat
at the coast were of this species. Also present in some numbers (up
to 15 daily) at Bondla and Molem |
White-bellied Drongo
Dicrurus caerulescens
A total of 5 at Baga Hill, plus 3
at Bondla 27/12 and 2 at Molem 29/12 |
Bronzed Drongo
Dicrurus aeneus
Three at Bondla 27/12, and 2 singles
at Molem 28/12 and 29/12. A single on Baga Hill 2/1 suggested that
this species is perhaps overlooked in the coastal area |
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Dicrurus paradiseus
One at Bondla 27/12, and then a further
7 at Molem 28/12 and 29/12 |
Ashy Swallow-shrike
Artamus fuscus
A total of eighteen sightings, with
birds noted, usually in pairs, at Baga, Baga Hill, Tambdi Surla temple,
Molem and behind the Beira Mar Hotel |
Chestnut-tailed Starling
Sturnus malabaricus
Most records came from the Baga area,
where up to 30 were regular around the fruiting fig tree at the foot
of Baga Hill, and over Baga fields. Also 10 at Bondla 27/12, and one
at Molem the next day |
Brahminy Starling
Sturnus pagodarum
About ten seen in the scrub behind
Morji Beach 24/12 and 25/12 |
Rosy Starling
Sturnus roseus
An impressive flock of about 300
was at the Stoliczka's Site (Carambolim village) 23/12, but there
were none there 29/12. Also about 50 at Fort Aguada 1/1 |
Common Myna
Acridotheres tristis
Genuinely scarce, with only about
five firmly identified, all around Baga |
Jungle Myna
Acridotheres fuscus
Much the commoner Myna, with many
birds seen every day |
Rufous Treepie
Dendrocitta vagabunda
About 13 noted, at various sites
such as Baga Hill, Mandovi River, behind the hotel, Molem and Bondla |
House Crow
Corvus splendens
Excessively common. 72 gathered in
a 'parliament' at the hotel at dusk 29/12 |
Jungle Crow
Corvus macrorhynchos
Surprisingly frequent around Baga,
with up to ten regularly noted, not only on Baga Hill, but also in
the village behind the hotel. Also very common in the Ghats |
Pied Flycatcher-shrike
Hemipus picatus
A male at Bondla 27/12, and five
more at Molem the next day |
Large Woodshrike
Tephrodornis gularis
Possibly as many as 20 in a feeding
party at Bondla 27/12, and one at Molem 29/12 |
Common Woodshrike
Tephrodornis pondicerianus
One on Baga Hill 21/12 and another
at Molem 27/12 |
Black-headed Cuckooshrike
Coracina melanoptera
A male at the top of Baga Hill 22/12
and a female at Candolim that afternoon, and 2 near the Stoliczka's
Site (Carambolim village) 29/12 |
Scarlet Minivet
Pericrocotus flammeus
A male at Bondla 27/12, and two further
males at Molem on the next two days |
Small Minivet
Pericrocotus cinnamomeus
A total of seven noted, mostly on
Baga Hill, but also at Molem |
Common Iora
Aegithinia tiphia
Common in all wooded areas, notably
Baga Hill, where up to 10 were recorded on each visit |
Golden-fronted Leafbird
Chloropsis aurifrons
Six noted at Baga Hill, with 5 at
Molem 27-29/12 and another at Maem Lake 31/12 |
Blue-winged Leafbird
Chloropsis cochinchinensis
It was realized after the event that
this species had been seen at Baga Hill, possibly 23/12, with 2 25/12
and another the next day. The local subspecies does not show any blue
in the primaries! |
Asian Fairy Bluebird
Irena puella
Five at Bondla 27/12, and then a
further 7 at Molem 27-29/12 |
Grey-headed Bulbul
Pycnonotus priocephalus
Four at Bondla 27/12, and a further
7 at Molem over the following two days |
Black-headed Yellow Bulbul (Ruby-throated
Pycnonotus melanicterus
Two at Bondla 27/12, and six more
at Molem over the next two days. The newly suggested English name,
Black-crested Bulbul, is entirely silly for the (sub?)species occurring
in the Western Ghats, which has no crest and a brilliant red throat! |
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Pycnonotus jocosus
The commonest Bulbul by far - up
to 20 at Baga Hill, and also noted at most other wooded sites visited |
Red-vented Bulbul
Pycnonotus cafer
Eleven noted on six dates at various
sites |
White-browed Bulbul
Pycnonotus luteolus
Fourteen noted on seven dates, max.
4 26/12, mostly on Baga Hill |
Yellow-browed Bulbul
Iole indica
Two at Bondla 27/12, and a further
25 or so at Molem over the next two days |
Black Bulbul
Hypsipetes leucocephalus
Two at Bondla 27/12, and 13 more
at Molem 27-29/12 |
Puff-throated Babbler (Spotted
Pellorneum ruficeps
Seen well on several occasions under
the large bushes at the foot of Baga Hill, and also three at Bondla
27/12. The technique is to sit very still and listen for leaves being
turned over! |
Black-headed Babbler
Rhopocichla atriceps
Ten at Bondla 27/12, and four more
at Molem that day and the next |
Jungle Babbler
Turdoides striatus
Patchy and erratic in appearance,
about 40 were seen on five dates, max. 15 30/12 at Baga |
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta
Alcippe poioicephala
A few on Baga Hill, and very common
at both Bondla and Molem (c. 20 daily there). The fluty whistling
song is worth learning - it sounds as if it should come from a much
more exciting bird! |
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Muscicapa dauurica
Six recorded around the hotel and
Baga Hill, and three more at Molem 27-29/12 |
Brown-breasted Flycatcher
Muscicapa muttui
One was along the dry stream at Bondla
Zoo 27/12, and another was at Molem 29/12 |
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Ficedula parva
A total of about 10 was seen, but
only one male, behind the hotel 22/12 |
White-bellied Blue Flycatcher
Cyornis pallipes
Two males were seen, one at Bondla
27/12, and the other at Molem 29/12 |
Tickell's Blue Flycatcher
Cyornis tickelliae
Three noted at Baga Hill and Saligao
Zor, and a further four or so at Bondla and Molem 27-29/12 |
Verditer Flycatcher
Eumyias thalassina
A superb male was seen briefly at
Tambdi Surla temple, Molem 28/1h |
White-throated Fantail
Rhipidura albicollis
Seen quite frequently at Baga Hill,
max. 3 22/12 and 23/12, and also at Saligao Zor and Molem |
Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Terpsiphone paradisi
A total of eight was recorded, always
singly, at Baga Hill, Saligao Zor, Molem and Bondla. Two white males
were at Molem 27/12, and 1 superb bird of this type was at Saligao
Zor 31/12 |
Black-naped Monarch
Hypothymis azurea
Three at Bondla 27/12, and 6 more
at Molem 27-29/12. Also two at Saligao Zor 31/12 |
Plain Prinia (Tawny-flanked Prinia)
Prinia inornata
About 8 near the Stoliczka's Site
(Carambolim village) 29/12 |
Ashy Prinia
Prinia socialis
Ten on Baga Hill 21/12, 5 at Bondla
27/12, 4 at Maem Lake 31/12, and 1 back at Baga Hill 2/1 |
Common Tailor Bird
Orthotomus sutorius
Fourteen noted on seven dates, max.
5 at Baga Hill 1/1 |
Clamorous Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus stentoreus
Five behind the Beira Mar Hotel 21/12,
and 2 there 26/12, 1 at Candolim 22/12, singles at Baga 30/12 and
31/12, and another near Saligao 31/12 |
Blyth's Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus dumetorum
Heard very frequently, in almost
any scrubby cover, often far from water. Also seen almost daily |
Greenish Warbler
Phylloscopus trochiloides
Very common indeed. Once the distinctive
'Pied Wagtail' call is learnt, it is apparent that birds are almost
everywhere. One showing characteristics of P.t.viridanus (Green
Warbler) was at Bondla 27/12. Beware birds superficially resembling
Two-barred Greenish Warbler (P.t.plumbeitarsus) - this (sub)species
is unknown in India! (Russell Slack) |
Western Crowned Warbler
Phylloscopus occipitalis
A total of six was noted at Molem
28/12 and 29/12 |
Oriental Magpie Robin
Copsychus saularis
Frequently seen, usually in small
numbers, but about 10 were estimated between Ponda and Carambolim
Lake 29/12 |
White-rumped Shama
Copsychus malabaricus
Two at Bondla 27/12, and another
seen and frequently heard around Backwoods Camp, Molem 27-29/12, at
one point sunning itself and dust-bathing outside the tent! |
Chat sp.
Saxicola sp.
The regular wintering male at Carambolim
village was seen twice, 23/12 and 29/12. While formerly believed possibly
to be a Stoliczka's Bushchat, the identity of this bird is now regarded
as unknown, possibly a hybrid. |
Common Stonechat
Saxicola torquata
Up to three males at the Stoliczka's
Site (Carambolim village), and another near Saligao 31/12 |
Pied Bushchat
Saxicola caprata
A pair was regular around the hotel
lakes throughout, and there were several other records of single birds
or pairs throughout |
Indian Robin
Saxicoloides fulicata
Eight seen, mostly singly, at various
sites, until 10+ were noted on the dry slopes around Chapora Fort
2/1 |
Blue Rock Thrush
Monticola solitarius
Two first winter birds at Chapora
Fort 2/1 |
Malabar Whistling Thrush
Myophonus horsfieldii
Heard rather frequently at Molem,
but not seen until 29/12, when two separate birds were located, one
along a river, and another less classically in bushy scrub. Also recorded
at Maem Lake 31/12, with one seen and others heard |
Orange-headed Ground
Thrush Zoothera citrina
A pleasing number of sightings. One
was at the Fort Aguada Pitta site 22/12, about 7 were at Bondla 27/12,
and there were a further 8 sightings at Molem 27-29/12 |
Eurasian Blackbird
Turdus merula
A female was at the Fort Aguada Pitta
site 22/12, and a male was near Backwoods Camp, Molem 27/12 |
Black-lored Tit
Parus xanthogenys
One at Baga Hill 23/12, five around
Baga 25/12, and 2 behind the hotel 31/12 |
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Sitta frontalis
Two were at Bondla 27/12, and three
were seen at Molem the next day |
Tree Pipit
Anthus trivialis
Seven located in fields near Baga
30/12 |
Richard's Pipit
Anthus richardi
About 10 were at Chapora Fort at
dusk 2/1 |
Paddyfield Pipit
Anthus rufulus
Frequently seen around cultivated
fields near the coast, and at the Stoliczka's Site (Carambolim village)
and Carambolim Lake |
Blyth's Pipit
Anthus godlewskii
One near certain individual near
the hotel 25/12 |
Tawny Pipit
Anthus campestris
Five noted at various dry sites,
and about 10 at Chapora Fort 2/1 |
Yellow Wagtail
Motacilla flava
Fifteen at Carambolim Lake rice paddies
23/12, and also present there 29/12, and one over Baga 30/12 |
Grey Wagtail
Motacilla cinerea
One behind the Beira Mar Hotel 26/12,
2 at Bondla 27/12, and a further 2 at Molem 28/12 and 29/12 |
White-browed Wagtail (Large Pied
Motacilla maderaspatensis
Seen everywhere except Molem, but
never very common, max. 10 on two dates around Baga |
Thick-billed Flowerpecker
Dicaeum agile
One at Bondla 27/12 |
Pale-billed Flowerpecker (Tickell's
Dicaeum erythrorhynchos
Seven noted at Baga Hill early in
the trip |
Plain Flowerpecker
Dicaeum concolor
Singles recorded on three dates.
It is probably clear that many flowerpeckers were left unidentified
once we'd seen all three! |
Purple-rumped Sunbird
Nectarinia zeylonica
The commonest sunbird, with up to
15 around Baga Hill and other lowland sites. Absent at Bondla and
Molem |
Crimson-backed (Small) Sunbird
Nectarinia minima
Only seen at Bondla and Molem, where
very common - over 50 estimated at the former site |
Loten's Sunbird
Nectarinia lotenia
Seven noted on six dates, mostly
on Baga Hill, but also at Molem and Saligao Zor. The call resembles
nothing less than a Siskin - "dzweee" |
Purple Sunbird
Nectarinia asiatica
Eight noted on five dates, both near
the coast and in the hills |
House Sparrow
Passer domesticus
Recorded almost daily around habitation |
Chestnut-shouldered Petronia
Petronia xanthocollis
Two at the Stoliczka's Site (Carambolim
village) 23/12, 2 near the hotel 25/12, 1 at Bondla 27/12, about 200
on electricity pylons near Molem town 28/12, and 30 again at the Stoliczka's
Site 29/12 |
Baya Weaver
Ploceus philippinus
Large concentrations of up to 200
birds were noted near the hotel, at Candolim and at Carambolim Lake |
White-rumped Munia
Lonchura striata
Seen almost daily in small numbers,
max. 20 on three dates |
Scaly-breasted Munia (Spotted
Lonchura punctulata
Four behind the Beira Mar Hotel 26/12,
2 at Molem 28/12 and seven there the next day |
Grey-necked Bunting
Emberiza buchanani
At least five were seen at Chapora
Fort 2/1. Also reported from Baga fields in early January |
Black-headed Bunting
Emberiza melanocephala
A female was on top of Baga Hill
22/12, 30 were near Tambdi Surla temple, Molem 27/12, with 10 there
the next day |
Red-headed Bunting
Emberiza bruniceps
At least 3 were with Black-headed
Buntings near Tambdi Surla temple, Molem 27/12. A few were also reportedly
seen at Baga in early January |
237 species recorded
Additional records reported by others
during our stay : |
Yellow Bittern |
Behind the Beira Mar Hotel |
Glossy Ibis |
Carambolim Lake, at dusk |
Comb Duck |
Carambolim Lake |
Ruddy-breasted Crake |
Behind the Beira Mar Hotel |
Pallid Harrier |
Baga fields |
Black Eagle |
Baga Hill |
Terek Sandpiper |
Panjim saltpans |
Alpine Swift |
Over Baga |
Great Pied Hornbill |
Molem |
White-tailed Stonechat |
Behind the Beira Mar Hotel |
Oriental Skylark |
Dona Paula ridge |