Simon Woolley was born and brought up on the Wirral, within sight of the Dee Estuary and Hilbre Island. Guided by Ted Abraham, he developed a passion for birds early in life, and has more recently diversified into lepidoptera, odonata, orchids and grasshoppers.
As a teacher of Geography at Charterhouse school, he has nice long holidays to pursue wildlife around Britain, Europe and beyond!
In 2005, he cycled over 3000 miles in Hampshire in pursuit of a new county non-motorized year list, ending up with 217 species of bird, and raising £2000+ for Sri Lanka tsunami relief.
In 2006/7, he undertook a much less carbon neutral quest for 1000+ birds in a 12 month period - in 9 countries! Final score: 1027.
He is a recent convert to the rigours of triathlon, a domestically renowned chef, a green-fingered guru of the allotment and an aficionado of 80s metal and goth music.